The Point: a Franco-American Heritage Site in Salem, Massachusetts
Traditional French Songs in Ontario
Fort William, Crossroad of a Fur Trading Empire
The Guigues Elementary School in Ottawa
Centre franco-ontarien de folklore (CFOF)
Centre de recherche en civilisation canadienne-française (CRCCF)
Welcome to the Encyclopedia of French Cultural Heritage in North America! As you browse the site, you will learn about the heritage of French-speaking North America, as well as about its history and diversity. Get to know the people who preserve and cherish it, discover the places where it finds expression and become familiar with the trends that have shaped and influenced its evolution throughout history.
By Ferland, Catherine
While Montréal is known as a hotspot for festivals, the same could well be said of Quebec as a whole. From their roots in the traditional country fair, festivals have spread throughout the province to become part and parcel of Quebec life and culture in hundreds of cities, towns and villages. About half of these popular gatherings are seasonal (like summer festivals or winter carnivals) while the rest showcase something more specific—cultural attractions, sports, or local identities and characteristics. In many regions these events strengthen community ties and drive development. Festiv...
The English version of the Encyclopedia of French Cultural Heritage in North America is online since December 15th, 2009. It features an ever growing number of articles, documents and resources on the heritage of French-speaking North America.
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Encylcopedia of French Cultural
Heritage in North America